

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing: We are living in the VUCA world. Digital is the future of all businesses. Our Digital marketing services are strategic and innovative that brings commercial success for our valuable customers. We offer end to end digital marketing solutions. Our services include SEO services, Pay per click Advertising, Social media marketing
  • SEO Services
  • Pay Per Click Advertising
  • Social Media Marketing


Competitive & frequently searched keywords are more expensive and take a longer time to reflect back.

Search engines constantly update their algorithms. Content build for users, Click Through Rates, Usability, Keywords Strategy, Interlinking

Building high-quality and relevant back link that drive heavy traffic is the final step to ensure you are well reached out than your competitors.

Web pages load speed, crawlability, URLs structure, website code quality, website security.

Not all consumers are looking for your products and services. It is possible that maybe they are not aware of your products and services. Display advertising model gives businesses the scope to reach the relevant audience across the internet.

Search Engine Marketing: Search engine marketing is beneficial to get those consumers who are actually making searches for your products and services. We plan and run paid campaigns in popular search engines to generate huge traffic for your website

Google PPC is usually associated with Search Ads, another remarkable way to benefit your business organization . They help reach out to relevant customers through the simple logic that by searching the customer’s search intent. And since you only pay when people visit your site, ROI is extremely high compared to other forms of online advertising Facebook PPC has fast become a crucial method of reaching new customers. Facebook PPC advertising has some specific advantages over similar advertising with Google PPC. Facebook has a younger and more connected audience, and you can target your campaign to very specific demographic sets.
These campaigns target those audiences who have already visited your website through different channels. Through our well-constructed remarketing ad campaigns we will help you to get success in business conversion.

Social Media Marketing

SMM (Social Media Marketing) is vital to maintaining a strong online reputation and creating branding awareness, as well as allowing customers to feel involved in a business

Increasing website traffic

Building conversions

Raising brand awareness


What Our Client’s Say

1. Associating with Magnitudes was the right move for us. The magnitudes have helped us stay on top. From Website design to digital solutions across a range of platforms and made us reach our goals


Head of Marketing – Tri global

magnitudes have a vibrant team that is skilled and prompt in offering creative content. It was partnership with Magnitudes that helps us establish, grow. We are seeing improvement in our bottom line as a result of SEO, SMM and more


CEO - Z kids